Find Investment Properties with These Ways

There are so many ways to find properties for return of investment. The most common is to find the owner directly and make a cash offer. Most of these homeowners have properties that are owned by the bank or lender that they want to get rid off at a discount because they can no longer make the payments. You can also buy tax lien certificates on the properties so that you’d be able to foreclose it yourself. Here are some of the ways to find investment properties:

  • Short Sales – Banks often take less than the amount being owed on the property in order to save from the hassle of foreclosing and reselling.
  • REO’s – Properties under foreclosure can be purchased under market if the demand is not that high.
  • Lease Options – Purchasing the properties and renting it with the legal right to buy later on.
  • For Sale by Owners – Private homeowners advertise the property themselves in a newspaper ad or put up a sign. They do this in order to avoid paying a realtor and sell their properties at a discounted price.

These are just a short list. There are also other ways to find properties that you can invest. Do due diligence and take action as soon as possible.

Tax Lien Investing Bidding Advices

When it comes to tax lien investing, the bidding process can be quite tricky. It is important to decide how much you’re willing to bid. And once you come up with a budget, stick to it. Keep in mind to set a final amount. Furthermore, make sure that the property is worth the money you’re willing to spend. Plus, do not allow yourself to overbid.

Pay Taxes to Avoid Federal Tax Lien

A federal tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your property. This happens when you ignore or fail to pay your tax debt to the government. As we all know, the lien protects the interest of the government in all real estate properties, and financial assets.

Homeowners Association Lien

Is there such a thing as a homeowner’s association lien? HOA liens do exist. Homeowners that live in a contracted society are required to pay a periodic fee to the HOA in order to cover maintenance costs for the area. Fees collected are going to be used for basketball courts, tennis courts, clubhouses, swimming pools, and workout gym.

The IRS and Its Tax Collection Powers

The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) is a powerful tax collection organization. Delinquent taxpayers would find themselves in tough situations due to the rough strategies utilized by the IRS to collect taxes. They have the power to levy wages, bank accounts, investments, and even place tax lien on properties.

Getting Started on Real Estate Investing

Looking for a new financial opportunity ? Investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are great ways to make money for the young investor. However, real estate investing has a particular advantage over these traditional investments practices. Why? Investing in real estate grants you, the investor a degree of autonomy that is simply not possible with stocks, bonds, and mutuals funds. Sure, you may be able to control in which stocks you put your money in, but you simply cannot control the volatility of an unpredictable stock market.

New housing model to keep families together at an affordable cost

The prices of properties in Vancouver have been climbing at a rapid rate. One of the concerns that this causes is that of the younger generation that is growing up today. Many young people will want to move out from home without traveling too far from their parents. With the high housing prices in the Vancouver area, the younger generation will struggle to purchase homes that are in the communities that they have grown up in. One couple has created a model that could be the solution to this, at least in the more suburban areas surrounding Vancouver.

Will Canada’s Real Estate Boom Extend Into 2016?

At the beginning of 2015, many predictions were made about the Canadian real estate market. People thought that the housing bubble would burst and the result would be a housing market crash. But the Canadian real estate market proved these predictions wrong, breaking a number of records. The hottest spots were Toronto and Vancouver, while the rest of the country’s housing markets moved towards a more stable market. But will this high remain into 2016?