Take courage when carving out a living buying tax deeds at auctions in the United States. This is due to the reason that there’s a lot of competition going especially of the tough times ahead. If you want to be successful as a tax deed investor, then you need to learn how and where to buy it without attending the sale or auction out there. You must also learn a way to cash out the ones you don’t buy so that you’ll be a step ahead of the competition.
The technique to doing this is really quite simple, buy directly from the property owners. Even after the sale is over, there are properties which are still available to be purchased. There is a redemption period after the tax sale. At this time the owner can come in and bail out his property or just let it go and be done with it. You may want to find the latter and purchase tax deeds from them. It is alright for you to buy the property from them during this period.
Another way of making money from a tax sale even not attending is to find the overage. Tax deed overages happen when there is more bid for a certain property than the actual taxes that are owed. The taxing authority reserves this money for the owners but unfortunately some of them are not informed about it. This is usually because they are no longer living at the real estate they lost. The letters sent by the taxing authority to notify those owners are often returned since this is their only address. Find those owners and tell them about the money and you can collect a finder’s fee, which is usually a considerable amount of cash. You can easily get a monthly income doing this.
These are just some of the things that you need to know about earning some profits in buying tax deeds even without attending the sale as well as making some extra cash on the overages. Continue doing a lot of research and learn the process of tax deed sales.